Vi (o_cially pronounced 'vee-eye'/uno_cially pronounced 'six' because of the
feeling one gets when using vi that it may be the text editor of the antichrist)
is a display oriented interactive text editor.
Vi15 makes one major philosophical deviation from every other text editor
I have come in contact with. The basic idea is that your hands don't have any
business straying from the home row keys. This can be an advantage for the
touch typist, but the guy who needs to see the letter on the key before pushing
it down tends to be less enamored with this characteristic. Since your _ngers
can only reach about _fty (50) keys without moving your hands, and since vi
has in excess of 100 commands, something drastic must be done in order to
designate all the functions a decent text editor must have. Rather than relying
on extra keys on your keyboard that seem a little too far away or special key
combinations that involve keys that your keyboard may or may not have, vi
simply assigns a couple functions to the keys in reach.
Vi operates in two modes16 (insert and command) in order to determine
which function should be performed when a key is pressed. This two mode
novelty, in my opinion, is what causes some to confuse vi with the devil himself
and causes others to place vi equal with God. Although I _nd it hard to justify
worshiping a text editor, I can (after much e_ort) appreciate the utility of vi.
Why vi? Vi is the default editor for Unix. It is possible to use other editors,
but if you learn vi you can be con_dent that it will be on any Unix machine
you use. However, the same level of con_dence with another editor may be
shortlived. It would be to your advantage to learn at least the basics of vi. For
those who use a text editor on a daily basis, particularly for programming, vi
will become a joy to use after a few months of friendship building.
As with any friendship, an emphasis must be placed on quality time, not just
quantity. Those who have little use for a text editor may be satis_ed with a cold
professional relationship with conversations limited to a few basic commands.
The rest of us would certainly bene_t from a little quality time with vi. By
quality time, I don't mean merely having the same conversations over and over
(repeating commands you already know). I don't mean just reading about what
makes vi tick. Although these are important activities, I mean telling vi things
you've never told it before and observing its response. Don't discuss important
issues with vi until you're pretty sure you know how it will react. Make sure
you make a backup copy of the _le you experiment with.
15Short for visual, but in keeping with the Unix mentality that any command longer than
_ve characters isn't worth using, the command has been truncated to the _rst two letters.
16Technically, there are three modes, but I have chosen to treat the command and line editor
modes as one mode. The line editor commands are a carry-over from the ex line editor.
3.2 Starting vi
To start vi just type vi at the operating system prompt. You will see a screen
with a column of tildes (~) down the left side of the screen. This signi_es
an empty workspace. To edit a _le, just include the _lename after it, e.g. vi
filename. You will see the text of the _le you included.17 Vi is now in command
mode. The most basic command to enter insert mode is i which lets you insert
text to the left of the cursor.
3.3 Insert mode
I begin with a brief description of the insert mode because it is very straight
forward. In insert mode the characters you type are inserted into your document.
You can use the backspace key to delete any typing mistakes you have made on
the current input line. The escape key (<esc>) takes you out of insert mode
and back to the command mode. If you are ever in doubt about what mode you
are in, just press <esc> a few times until vi starts complaining. You will then
know that you are in the command mode.
3.4 Command mode
Command mode is where you do everything that isn't done in insert mode. In
command mode the same keys that caused letters to appear on your screen in
insert mode now represent totally di_erent functions. Rather than go into a
detailed discussion of the 100 or so commands, this section contains a list of the
more popular commands. The next section contains a more comprehensive list
of vi commands.
3.4.1 Moving around
h move the cursor one character to the left
j move the cursor one character down
k move the cursor one character up
l move the cursor one character to the right
0 move to the beginning of a line
$ move to the end of a line
G move to the end of a file
1G move to the first line of a file
If you try to move somewhere that vi doesn't want to go, e.g. pressing h
when the cursor is in the left-most column, your terminal will complain by either
beeping or ashing the screen.
17If the _le does not exist, it will be created.
3.4.2 Deleting text
x delete the character under the cursor
dd delete a line
3.4.3 Saving and quitting
:w write to disk
ZZ write to disk and exit
:q! exit without writing to disk
Actually, the command for quitting vi is :q. You can save and quit by
typing :wq but ZZ does the same thing18 and takes one less keystroke. If there
are unsaved changes to the text and you try to quit using :q, vi will warn you
that you have unsaved changes and will prevent you from quitting. In order to
quit without saving the changes you must use the override switch, !.
3.4.4 Copy, delete, and moving text
Knowing how to copy, delete, and move text is a prerequisite to any serious
text editing task. If you have a small amount of text to delete or copy you may
_nd it convenient to use dd or yy. These commands delete or yank the line of
text that the cursor is on. dd deletes the current line of text and places it in a
bu_er. yy copies the current line of text to a bu_er while leaving the original
text unaltered. Many commands can be preceded by a number. This number
indicates the number of times the command is repeated. These commands are
no exception, e.g. 3dd deletes the line the cursor is on as well as the two lines
below it and places them in a bu_er. Text can be retrieved from the text bu_er
by typing p. The \pull" command inserts the text from the bu_er into the text
_le beginning on the line below the cursor. This method of deleting and yanking
works well for text blocks of known length or an easily countable number of lines,
but is less satisfactory of large blocks of text.
As a result, vi has another method of text manipulation that involves marking
text. Vi is capable of marking 26 di_erent locations in a _le. To mark a
location in a text _le move the cursor to the desired location and type m followed
by the name you want to use. Each lowercase letter of the alphabet is a name.
Suppose we have a portion of text we wish to move from one location to
another. We can do this by marking the beginning of the text block with the
name q, i.e. mq will give the current cursor location the name q. Then we move
to the end of the portion of text we wish to move and type d'q. This command
deletes everything from the marked position to the cursor position and places
it in a bu_er. Text in the bu_er is retrieved using the \pull" command already
described. The \yank" command allows you to copy the text to the bu_er
18For the pureist, :wq and ZZ are not exactly the same. :wq always saves, whereas ZZ saves
only if changes have been made since the last save.
instead of deleting it. Typing y'q instead of d'q will place a copy of the text
in the bu_er and leave the original text unaltered.19
3.4.5 Search and replace
The search command is /. To search for polite type /polite. n repeats the
search in the same direction, and N repeats the search in the opposite direction.
The search option accepts most of the standard Unix pattern matching language.
(See section 2.7.1.) Suppose I had a _le that contained the following
There was a young man of Milan
Whose poems, they never would scan;
When asked why it was,
He said, `It's because
I always try to get as many words into the last line as I possibly can'.
Here are a few examples (using this text) that you will probably never use
but may _nd inspiring:
will search for any lowercase letter followed by as. In this example, it would
_nd was and last but not as or asked.
will search for any an preceded by any character other than a c. In our text it
would _nd Milan but not scan or can.
/^[A-Z].*\. *$
will search for any line that begins with a capital letter and ends with a period
and any number of blanks. Our only match in the example text would be with
the last line.
All of these search patterns can be used in the search and replace command
that takes on the following structure:
This command replaces every search string on the current line with replace-
ment string. Omitting the g (global) ag at the end of the command will cause
only the _rst occurrence of search string to be altered. Often you may wish
to con_rm each replacement. This can be done with the con_rm ag c. The
con_rm ag should be placed after or in place of the g ag. Suppose I had the
following line:
19Using ' in d'q begins deleting text at the beginning of the line that the q mark is on.
Using ` instead, i.e. d`q begins deleting text at the exact location of the mark. This holds
for the yank command as well.
Give a skeptic and inch... and he'll take a mile.
and typed
:s/take a mile/measure it/
I would be left with
Give a skeptic and inch... and he'll measure it.
Any command that begins with a \:" is called a line mode command and
performs its duty on the line the cursor is currently on. However, you can
override vi's default of operating only on the current line by preceding them
with a range of line numbers. For example, if I wanted to replace guy with gal
on lines 32 through 56 I would type
Omitting the g would cause only the _rst occurrence of guy in each line to be
replaced. The \." and \$" play a special role in this sort of designation. \."
indicates the current line, and \$" indicates the last line of the _le. Therefore, if
I wanted to delete20 from the current line to the end of the _le I would enter:21
I could even do something like:
which would delete from the current line to the next line that contained Edison.
One other shortcut that might be worth mentioning is that 1,$ and % both
indicate all the lines in the _le. Therefore,
do exactly the same thing.
3.4.6 Undo
The undo command, u, is another feature that has saved me many times. Pressing
u undoes the last command you told vi to perform. Another form of the
undo command is U which undoes all the changes made to the current line since
you moved there.
20This works because :d is a line mode command that deletes the current line.
21The same could be accomplished by typing dG.
3.4.7 Repeat
Often times you may desire to repeat the last command performed. This can
be done with the \." command. Place the cursor in the appropriate position
and press \." to repeat the most recent command. Suppose I had a C program
in which I wished to switch a variable name from no way to yes way in two
di_erent places. One way I could accomplish this would be to place my cursor
on the beginning of the _rst no way and type cw (change word) and then type
yes way <esc>. This would accomplish my task for the _rst case. Now all I
would need to do to change the second no way would be to place my cursor at
the beginning of it and type \." to repeat the last command.
3.5 Vi reference
Here is a more comprehensive list of vi commands in command mode.22 23
3.5.1 Notation for this reference
default values : 1
<*> : `*' must not be taken literally
[*] : `*' is optional
^X :
N : Number (`*' = allowed, `-' = not appropriate)
CHAR : Char unequal to
WORD : Word followed by
3.5.2 Move commands (See also Display commands)
N | Command | Meaning
* | h | ^H |
* | j |
* | l |
* | k | ^P | <*> lines upward.
* | $ | To the end of line <*> from the cursor.
- | ^ | To the first CHAR of the line.
* | _ | To the first CHAR <*> - 1 lines lower.
* | - | To the first CHAR <*> lines higher.
22Heavily borrowed from Vi Reference by Maarten Litmaath.
23Warning: some vi versions don't support the more esoteric features described in this
* | + |
- | 0 | To the first char of the line.
* | | | To column <*> (
* | f
* | t
* | F
* | T
* | ; | Repeat latest `f'|`t'|`F'|`T' <*> times.
* | , | Idem in opposite direction.
* | w | <*> words forward.
* | W | <*> WORDS forward.
* | b | <*> words backward.
* | B | <*> WORDS backward.
* | e | To the end of word <*> forward.
* | E | To the end of WORD <*> forward.
* | G | Go to line <*> (default EOF).
* | H | To line <*> from top of the screen (home).
* | L | To line <*> from bottom of the screen (last).
- | M | To the middle line of the screen.
* | ) | <*> sentences forward.
* | ( | <*> sentences backward.
* | } | <*> paragraphs forward.
* | { | <*> paragraphs backward.
- | ]] | To the next section (default EOF).
- | [[ | To the previous section (default begin of file).
- | `
- | '
- | `` | To the cursor position before the latest absolute
| jump (of which are examples `/' and `G').
- | '' | To the first CHAR of the line on which the cursor
| was placed before the latest absolute jump.
- | /
- | /
- | ?
- | n | Repeat latest `/'|`?' (next).
- | N | Idem in opposite direction.
- | % | Find the next bracket and go to its match
| (also with `{'|`}' and `['|`]').
Entries in this table that have an \*" are repeatable commands whereas
entries with a \-" are not. For example, if I type 4w my cursor will travel four
words farther into my document.
3.5.3 Searching
| defined (file, line), and go to it.
^] | Use the name under the cursor in a `:ta' command.
^T | Pop the previous tag off the tagstack and return
| to its position.
| and execute the `ex'
3.5.4 Undoing changes
u | Undo the latest change.
U | Undo all changes on a line, while not having
| moved off it (unfortunately).
:q! | Quit vi without writing.
:e! | Re-edit a messed-up file.
3.5.5 Inserting text
End inserting text with <esc>
* | a | <*> times after the cursor.
* | A | <*> times at the end of line.
* | i | <*> times before the cursor (insert).
* | I | <*> times before the first CHAR of the line
* | o | On a new line below the current (open).
| The count is only useful on a slow terminal.
* | O | On a new line above the current.
| The count is only useful on a slow terminal.
* | >
| shiftwidth to the right.
* | >> | Shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the right.
* | ["
| <*> times after the cursor.
| A buffer containing lines is put only once,
| below the current line.
* | ["
| <*> times before the cursor.
| A buffer containing lines is put only once,
| above the current line.
* | . | Repeat previous command <*> times. If the last
| command before a `.' command references a
| numbered buffer, the buffer number is
| incremented first (and the count is ignored):
| "1pu.u.u.u.u - `walk through' buffers 1
| through 5
| "1P.... - restore them
3.5.6 Deleting text
Everything deleted can be stored into a bu_er. This is achieved by putting a "
and a lowercase letter before the delete command. The deleted text will be in
the bu_er with the used letter. If an uppercase letter is used as bu_er name,
the the corresponding bu_er will be augmented instead of overwritten with the
text. The undo bu_er always contains the latest change. Bu_ers <1-9> contain
the latest 9 line deletions ("1 is most recent).
* | x | Delete <*> chars under and after the cursor.
* | X | <*> chars before the cursor.
* | d
* | dd | <*> lines.
- | D | The rest of the line.
* | <
| shiftwidth to the left.
* | << | Shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the left.
* | . | Repeat latest command <*> times.
3.5.7 Changing text
End changing text with <esc>
* | r
* | R | Overwrite the rest of the line,
| appending change <*> - 1 times.
* | s | Substitute <*> chars.
* | S | <*> lines.
* | c
* | cc | <*> lines.
* | C | The rest of the line and <*> - 1 next lines.
* | =
| will realign the lines described by <*>
| as though they had been typed with the option
| `ai' set too.
- | ~ | Switch lower and upper cases
| (should be an operator, like `c').
* | J | Join <*> lines (default 2).
* | . | Repeat latest command <*> times (`J' only once).
- | & | Repeat latest `ex' substitute command, e.g.
| `:s/wrong/good'.
- | :[x,y]s/ /
| (default the last pattern) with
| flags
| every non-overlapping occurrence of ) and
| `c' for `confirm' (type `y' to confirm a
| particular substitution, else
| of `/' any punctuation CHAR unequal to
| can be used as delimiter.
3.5.8 Substitute replacement patterns
The basic meta-characters for the replacement pattern are \&" and \~ "; these
are given as n& and n~ when nomagic is set. Each instance of \&" is replaced
by the characters which the regular expression matched. The meta-character
\ ~ " stands, in the replacement pattern, for the de_ning text of the previous
replacement pattern. Other meta-sequences possible in the replacement pattern
are always introduced by the escaping character \n". The sequence nn (where
n is an integer between 1 and 9) is replaced by the text matched by the n
regular subexpression enclosed between n( and n). The sequences nu and nl
cause the immediately following character in the replacement to be converted to
uppercase or lowercase respectively if this character is a letter. The sequences
nU and nL turn such conversion on, either until nE or ne is encountered, or until
the end of the replacement pattern.
3.5.9 Remembering text (yanking)
With yank commands you can put "<a--zA--Z> before the command, just as
with delete commands. Otherwise you only copy to the undo bu_er.
* | y
* | yy | <*> lines.
* | Y | Idem (should be equivalent to `y$' though).
- | m
3.5.10 Commands while in insert or change mode
^@ | If typed as the first character of the
| insertion, it is replaced with the previous
| text inserted (max. 128 chars), after which
| the insertion is terminated.
^V | Deprive the next char of its special meaning
| (e.g.
^D | One shiftwidth to the left.
0^D | Remove all indentation on the current line
| (there must be no other chars on the line).
^^D | Idem, but it is restored on the next line.
^T | One shiftwidth to the right
^H |
^W | One word back.
| current line.
3.5.11 Display commands (See also Move commands)
^G | Give file name, status, current line number
| and relative position.
^L | Refresh the screen (sometimes `^P' or `^R').
^R | Sometimes vi replaces a deleted line by a `@',
| to be deleted by `^R' (see option `redraw').
[*]^E | Expose <*> more lines at bottom, cursor stays
| put (if possible).
[*]^Y | Expose <*> more lines at top, cursor stays put
| (if possible).
[*]^D | Scroll <*> lines downward
| (default the number of the previous scroll;
| initialization: half a page).
[*]^U | Scroll <*> lines upward
| (default the number of the previous scroll;
| initialization: half a page).
[*]^F | <*> pages forward.
[*]^B | <*> pages backward (in older versions `^B'
| only works without count).
z- | Move current line to bottom of the screen.
z. | Move current line to the center of the screen.
/string/z- | Move line with string in it to the bottom of
| the screen.
If in the next commands the _eld <wi> is present, the windowsize will
change to <wi>. The window will always be displayed at the bottom of the
| (default the current line).
[*]z[wi]+ | Put line <*> at the top of the window
| (default the first line of the next page).
[*]z[wi]- | Put line <*> at the bottom of the window
| (default the current line).
[*]z[wi]^ | Put line <*> at the bottom of the window
| (default the last line of the previous page).
[*]z[wi]. | Put line <*> in the center of the window
| (default the current line).
3.5.12 Writing, editing other _les, and quitting vi
In \:" \ex" commands \%" denotes the current _le, \#" is a synonym for the
alternate _le (which normally is the previous _le). Marks can be used for line
numbers too: '<a-z>. In the :w, :f , :cd, :e, and :n commands, shell metacharacters
can be used.
:q | Quit vi, unless the buffer has been changed.
:q! | Quit vi without writing.
^Z | Suspend vi.
:w | Write the file.
:w >>
:x,y w
:wq | Write the file and quit vi; some versions quit
| even if the write was unsuccessful!
| Use `ZZ' instead.
ZZ | Write if the buffer has been changed, and
| quit vi. If you have invoked vi with the `-r'
| option, you'd better write the file
| explicitly (`w' or `w!'), or quit the
| editor explicitly (`q!') if you don't want
| to overwrite the file - some versions of vi
| don't handle the `recover' option very well.
:x [
:x! [
:pre | Preserve the file - the buffer is saved as if
| the system had just crashed; for emergencies,
| when a `:w' command has failed and you don't
| know how to save your work (see `vi -r').
:cd [
| (default home directory).
:cd! [
:e [+
| buffers are not changed (except the undo
| buffer), so text can be copied from one file to
| another this way. [Execute the `ex' command
| read into the buffer.]
:e! [+
^^ | Edit the alternate (normally the previous) file.
:rew | Rewind the argument list, edit the first file.
:rew! | Idem, without writing the current buffer.
:n [+
:n! [+
:args | Give the argument list, with the current file
| between `[' and `]'.
3.5.13 Macros
When mapping take a look at the options to and remap (below).
| `:map ^C :!cc %^V
| compiler) from within the editor
| (vi replaces `%' with the current file name).
:map | Show all mappings.
| complains about non-mapped macros (whereas no
| typos have been made), first do something like
| `:map
| `:unmap
| itself), or switch to `ex' mode first with `Q'.
| `:map! \be begin^V
| When in append mode
| `^V', no mapping is done.
:map! | Show all append mode mappings.
| followed by a breakpoint (e.g.
| is interpreted as
| `:ab ^P procedure'. A `^V' immediately
| following
:ab | Show all abbreviations.
| anymore (see `:unmap').
| command, e.g.:
| o0^D:s/wrong/good/
| Explanation:
| o - open a new line
| 0^D - remove indentation
| :s/wrong/good/ - this input text is an
| `ex' substitute command
| "zdd - delete the line just
| created into register `z'
| Now you can type `@z' to replace `wrong'
| with `good' on the current line.
@@ | Repeat last register command.
3.5.14 Switch and shell commands
Q | ^\ |
: | An `ex' command can be given.
:vi | Switch from `ex' to vi.
:sh | Execute a subshell, back to vi by `^D'.
| these lines will serve as input for
| will be replaced by its standard output].
:[x,y]!! [
| new command.
| input the lines described by <*>
| next the standard output replaces those lines
| (think of `cb', `sort', `nroff', etc.).
| using the lines described by the current
| <*>
| shell
| replace those lines.
[*]!!! [
:x,y w !
| (notice the
3.5.15 Vi startup
As discussed earlier vi is started by simply typing vi filename where the _lename
is optional. It is possible to include a list of _lenames instead of just the
one. This tells vi to edit the _rst _le. After you are _nished with the _le it
edits the second and continues this process until all the _les in the list have
been edited.
The editor can be initialized by the shell variable EXINIT, which looks like:
map ...
ab ...
export EXINIT (in the Bourne shell)
However, a better way is to put the list of initializations into a _le. If this _le
is located in your home directory, and is named .exrc and the variable EXINIT
is not set, the list will be executed automatically at startup time. However, vi
will always execute the contents of a .exrc in the current directory, if you own
the _le. Otherwise you have to type
:so file
to source the _le yourself.
In a .exrc _le a comment is introduced with a double quote character: the
rest of the line is ignored.24
On-line initializations can be given with vi + <cmd> file, e.g.:
vi +x file | The cursor will immediately jump to line x
| (default last line).
vi +/
You can start at a particular tag with:
vi -t
Sometimes, e.g. if the system crashed while you were editing, it is possible
to recover _les lost in the editor by typing vi -r file. Typing vi -r shows
the _les you can recover. The readonly ag allows you to view a _le with vi
without the danger of accidentally saving changes. However, if you do make
changes that you decide you want to save, typing :w! will override the readonly
3.5.16 The most important options
ai | autoindent - In append mode after a
| cursor will move directly below the first
| CHAR on the previous line. However, if the
| option `lisp' is set, the cursor will align
| at the first argument to the last open list.
aw | autowrite - Write at every shell escape
| (useful when compiling from within vi).
| temporary files (default `/tmp').
eb | errorbells - Beeps when you goof
| (not on every terminal).
ic | ignorecase - No distinction between upper and
| lower cases when searching.
lisp | Redefine the following commands:
| `(', `)' - move backward (forward) over
| S-expressions
| `{', `}' - idem, but don't stop at atoms
| `[[', `]]' - go to previous (next) line
| beginning with a `('
| See option `ai'.
list |
magic | If this option is set (default), the chars `.',
| `[' and `*' have special meanings within search
| and `ex' substitute commands. To deprive such
| a char of its special function it must be
24An exception to this is if the last command on the line is a map[!] or ab command or a
shell escape, a trailing comment is not recognized, but considered part of the command.
| preceded by a `\'. If the option is turned off
| it's just the other way around. Meta-chars:
| ^
| . - matches any char
| [a-z] - matches any char in the range
| [^a-z] - any char not in the range
| [
| [^
| \<
modeline | When you read an existing file into the buffer,
| and this option is set, the first and last 5
| lines are checked for editing commands in the
| following form:
| Instead of
| `vi' there can be `ex'. Warning: this option
| could have nasty results if you edit a file
| containing `strange' modelines.
nu | number - Numbers before the lines.
| considered a paragraph delimiter nroff macro
| (for `{' and `}'). A
| indicates the previous char is a single letter
| macro. `:set para=P\ bp' introduces `.P' and
| `.bp' as paragraph delimiters. Empty lines and
| section boundaries are paragraph boundaries
| too.
redraw | The screen remains up to date.
remap | If on (default), macros are repeatedly
| expanded until they are unchanged.
| Example: if `o' is mapped to `A', and `A'
| is mapped to `I', then `o' will map to `I'
| if `remap' is set, else it will map to `A'.
report=<*> | Vi reports whenever e.g. a delete
| or yank command affects <*> or more lines.
ro | readonly - The file is not to be changed.
| However, `:w!' will override this option.
| and `]]'); see option `para'. A `{' beginning a
| line also starts a section (as in C functions).
| (default `$SHELL' (default `/bin/sh')).
sw=<*> | shiftwidth - Gives the shiftwidth (default 8
| positions).
sm | showmatch - Whenever you append a `)', vi shows
| its match if it's on the same page; also with
| `{' and `}'. If there's no match at all, vi
| will beep.
taglength=<*> | The number of significant characters in tags
| (0 = unlimited).
terse | Short error messages.
to | timeout - If this option is set, append mode
| mappings will be interpreted only if they're
| typed fast enough.
ts=<*> | tabstop - The length of a
| only IN the editor, outside of it
| their normal length (default 8 positions).
wa | writeany - No checks when writing (dangerous).
warn | Warn you when you try to quit without writing.
wi=<*> | window - The default number of lines vi shows.
wm=<*> | wrapmargin - In append mode vi automatically
| puts a
| within
| (0 = don't put a
| on the screen).
ws | wrapscan - When searching, the end is
| considered `stuck' to the begin of the file.
:set no
:set | Show all non-default options and their values.
:set all | Show all options and their values.
3.6 Miscellaneous tips
Although you should be able to come up with all of the following commands by
studying the tables of vi commands, I have included a few examples that I have
found useful.
3.6.1 Line deletions
deletes every line that contains string, while
deletes every line that does not contain string.
3.6.2 Switching cases
In the replacement part of a substitution command, i.e. between the second \/"
and third \/",
\u means make the following character upper case
\l means make the following character lower case
\U means make the rest of the replacement upper case
\L means make the rest of the replacement lower case
How about a few examples?
1. Make the _rst letter of every word from line 18 to 43 uppercase.
2. Change \uPPeR" and \LoweR" in any mixture of cases to lowercase.
3. Make the whole _le uppercase.
4. Make the region from line m to line n all uppercase.
5. Make a paragraph all lowercase.
6. Make the _rst letter of every word in a paragraph uppercase.
:?^$?,/^$/s/\([^ ][^ ]*\)/\u&/g
7. Make the second word of each line uppercase.
:1,$s/^\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/\1 \U\2\e \3/
3.6.3 Spell checking in vi
To check the spelling of your document without exiting out of vi, type
:!spell % > %.sp
:e %.sp
:e# (To get back to your document)
3.6.4 Additional search and replace
To change Gravity isn't just a "good idea." It's the "law." to Gravity
isn't just a ``good idea.'' It's the ``law.'' type
The following will _nd words that begin and end with a vowel:
3.6.5 Removing blank lines
Blank lines can be removed from a _le with any of the following:
:%!/usr/ucb/cat -s
:%!sed /./,/^$/!d
Be aware that you may need to get rid of trailing whitespace _rst. This can be
accomplished with
:%s/[ ^I]*$/!d
3.6.6 Writing from bu_ers
To save the contents of the a bu_er to _lename, type
:e filename
:w (to save it)
To save a portion of a _le to another _le you could type
ma (mark text at the top of the region to be saved)
mb (mark text at the bottom of the region to be saved)
:'a,'b w filename
3.7 Further reading
A number of other vi documents can be found via anonymous ftp in: /pub/vi
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