Thursday, July 31, 2008

When to use XtFree () ?

When we are using Xmotif routines such as XmTextGetString, XmTextGetSelection, which return a character pointer, these routines allocate storage for the returned string. This allocated memory should be freed by the programmer using XtFree ().


string getText( )


#ifdef _TRACELOG

traceLog(eDebug,”Enetered getText () “);


string strText;

char* pchText = NULL:

pchText = XmTextGetString (TextWidget);

if (pchText)


strText = pchText;

XtFree (pchText);

#ifdef _TRACELOG

traceLog(eDebug,”Got the getText ():[%s] “,

“strText.c_str () );



#ifdef _TRACELOG

traceLog(eDebug,”Returning from getText () “);


return strText;


Use XtFree( ) routine to free the memory allocated by the Xmotif routines which return a character pointer.

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